Sunday, May 29, 2011

I Know It's Not About Food, But...

It's been three months ALREADY?!?!

Where does the time go?? It seems like just yesterday that I was home in Seattle, sweating over my Brasilan visa and packing my medicine bag full of ORS and pepto. And now here I am, in a town in South Africa which I had never even heard of before leaving Seattle (Nelspruit) with a bus ticket for tomorrow afternoon to a country which I had no intention of visitng (Mozambique) after traveling for four days with a person I didn't know existed until last week (Barry) to a park which I never though I would be able to afford to see (Kruger). 

The really monumental thing about 3 months is that, once I reach 3 months + 1 day, it will be the LONGEST I have ever been gone from home (with the previous title-holder being my 3 months in India in 2009. Yes, that's right - in just a couple of days, I will have been gone on this trip longer than I was in India! Whaaa??) It also means that after one more month, my trip is (theoretically) halfway through, which is actually a little bit panic-inducing because there is still so much to see and do. 

So, what have I been up to for the past three months? Let's take a look at the numbers:

Countries Visited: 5
Cities Visited: 17
New FB Friends: 57
Hostels: 15
Hotels or Guesthouses: 6 (all with my mom) 
Couches: 4
Campsites: 4
Longest Trip So Far: 33 hour bus from Buenos Aires to Sao Paulo
UNESCO World Heritage Sites Seen: 3
Colds/Flus: 1
Steaks Eaten: At least 5
Cheapest Mango: $0.50USD
Stomach Illnesses: 0... so far
Mosquitoes Which Bit Me Right Inbetween My Eyebrows: 2
Bus Accidents: 1
Number of Days Which Warranted a Jacket: Less than 7
Pairs of Underwear as of March: 4
Pairs of Underwear as of April: 6
Pairs of Underwear as of May: 2 (I don't understand either)
Photos Taken: Over 1000
Tattoos Obtained: 1
Times I Have Been Chosen as an Unwilling Volunteer for Some Type of Performance: 3
New Greetings Learned: 4
Books in My Backpack: 5
National Parks Visited: 6
Dances I Have Received Spontaneous Instruction In: 4
Lions Seen: 10
Constellations Learned Which are Not Visible in the Northern Hemisphere: 2
Current Distance from Home: 10338 miles/16636 kilometers
Familiar Faces Seen: 3 (1 unexpectedly) 
Months Left: 5 minimum
Countries Which I Have Single Handedly Brought Peace and Propserity To: At least 58
Times I Have Thought "There is Nowhere Else I Would Rather Be Right Now": Countless

Stay tuned my food-happy friends! Baboutie, Peri-Peri Prawns, Bunny Chow, and more deliciousness is headed your way soon! 

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