Monday, April 25, 2011

Bife de Chorizo

What is it? Bife de Chorizo con Chimichurri

Okay, but what IS it? Sirloin steak. Not pictured is the chimichurri, a sauce made with oil, garlic, lots of vinegar, and a whole bunch of dried herbs. I could drink the stuff.

What circumstances led to such a marvelous piece of meat? After spending a gray afternoon in the touristy areas of La Boca - that oft photographed historic neighborhood full of brightly painted homes and, more recently, slightly offensive caricatures of Italian immigrants - Olga and I decided to keep with our stereotypical tourist afternoon and go to a touristy restaurant for some touristy steak. Tourist.

Where can I find some? I don't remember the name of the restaurant, but it was somewhere in the San Telmo district of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

How much did it cost? Around $20.00 USD for the whole thing, but since we split it, it came to $10.00 each.

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