Monday, April 25, 2011

Hostel Barbecued Chicken

What is it? Hostel Barbecued Chicken

Okay, but what IS it? Chicken marinated in cream, mustard, and garlic, barbecued on a homemade grill constructed from half of a barrel.

What circumstances led to the world's most perfect chicken? A lot of people cook in hostels because it's much cheaper than constantly eating out. Certain dishes are staples, no matter where you go: pasta with tomato sauce, meat and cheese sandwiches, rice with vegetables. The general rule is to keep it cheap, fast, and simple. So imagine my amazement when one of the men working at my hostel brings out this perfectly barbecued chicken and asks if I want some. Um, yes please? This feast was rounded out with potatoes cooked in the same marinade, garlic bread toasted on the grill, nice and fatty chorizo sausages, and oh-my-god-I'm-so-glad-I'm-not-a-vegetarian-right-now steak. Honestly, the steak was probably the best meat I've ever had, but I didn't get a good picture of it.

Where can I get some? I gorged myself on this feast in Mendoza, Argentina at the Savigliano Hostel.

How much did it cost? I was in charge of buying the salad, which cost approximately $2.00USD. Everything else was free.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Autum!
    I just remember the barbecue! Oh it was soooo good! Your blog is really nice and I'm looking forward to read more about the food you will find on your trip.

    Cheers Claudia
