Monday, April 25, 2011

Empanada Mendocinas

What is it? Empanadas Mendocinas

Okay, but what IS it? A baked, turnover-like pastry stuffed with a variety of fillings. This one, in the traditional style of Mendoza, contained ground beef, onions, olives, and hard boiled eggs. On the side is a lovely, improvised-plastic-bottle-glass of Malbec, the most famous wine of the Mendoza region.

What circumstances led to this meaty goodness? I meant to spend the day hiking in the Andes, I really did. But a late morning, a long bus ride, and a healthy dose of laziness found me spending the afternoon at a hot springs in the foothills instead. I enjoyed this empanada and wine with some friends along the side of the road while we watched a group of rock climbers practice on the brick legs of a bridge.

Where can I find some? Empanadas are insanely popular all over Latin America and can be found, among other places, at: street stalls, cafes, pizzerias, super markets, gas stations and subway stations. But, for the Mendoza-style empanada, you'll probably have the best luck in Mendoza, Argentina (who woulda guessed?)

How much did it cost? $5.00USD for 6 empanadas.

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