Monday, April 25, 2011

Sopapilla con Pebre

What is it? Sopapilla con Pebre

Okay, but what IS it? For all my US readers: this is NOT dessert! A Chilean sopapilla is deep-fried dough made from flour, water, and pumpkin. It comes with a variety of toppings, but I like pebre: a spicy sauce made from tomatoes, onions, lots of garlic, and spices.

What circumstances led to so much deep-fried deliciousness? Dancing always works up an appetite, especially when you can't tango to save your life. After a pisco sour (hard alcohol made from grapes mixed with lemon and sugar), a terremoto (white wine and herb liquor with pineapple ice cream on top), and a full night of warding off lecherous old men practicing their English with pick-up lines, the lovely Susanna and I stopped at street stall at 2:00AM for some much-needed nourishment. It was raining. A lot.

Where can I find some? At almost any street stall in Santiago, Chile.

How much did it cost? $0.20USD per sopapilla. I recommend buying at least two. They're delicious.

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