Monday, April 25, 2011

What's this all about then?

I've been failing, miserably, at keeping a blog on this trip.

I see amazing things everyday. I talk to amazing people. I hear amazing music. I eat amazing food. And then, when I sit down at my computer to tell you all about it, my fingers freeze. I don't know what to say. How do I distinguish the interesting from the mundane? How do I do justice to my experiences?

Meanwhile, you - my family and friends - are assuredly wondering what the heck I'm up to day after day.

Suddenly, inspiration!

What am I passionate about? What do I think about all the time? And what do people LOVE to look at?

Food, of course!

It is my intention to not only use this blog to share photos and (where applicable) recipes, but also to give you, my readers, glimpses into my travels by sharing the context in which I enjoyed my food. Given enough time and motivation, I may even use this as a forum to delve into deeper issues of nutrition, agriculture, community, and access to resources around the world.

Why the name, Yo Tengo Hambre? Well, I'm in a Spanish-speaking country right now, and I'm hungry.

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