Monday, April 25, 2011

Cappucino Freddo

What is it? Cappucino Freddo

Okay, but what IS it? I didn't catch the exact ingredients, but it's some combination of coffee and dulce de leche ice cream blended together into a milkshake, then topped with whipped cream and shaved chocolate. (Dulce de leche, for the uninitiated, is a thick, creamy, caramel-like sauce very popular across Latin America. The main difference between dulce de leche and caramel is that while caramel is made by simply heating sugar, dulce de leche is made mostly with milk. To call it caramel is not only inaccurate but, to the die-hard fans, downright offensive.)

What circumstances led to such a marvelous drink? (What I thought was) my last day in Buenos Aires left me distressed and badly in need of some sweet, sweet comfort. After spending several hours buying souvenirs - At Walmart, of all places - I came across this gem. The five minutes it took me to slurp down my glass of heaven saw me in a state of total nirvana, my mind completely clear of all worry or despair. The following hour saw me in a dark state of depression when I realized the cruel irony that I didn't know this drink existed until the day I had to leave Buenos Aires. 

Where can I find some? At any Freddo, one of the most popular ice cream chains in Argentina.

How much did it cost? Around $5.00USD. Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Shut your face for even asking.

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